Thursday, December 25, 2008

buy account or power leveling account

[item4u] PK (4U community administrator, engaged in a virtual economic studies): Studio development, in addition to the use of their advantages to obtain more profits, the cost savings is also important, and that costs, accounts can be said to be essential for an investment. Then, in the buying and training No. No. between the manner in which is more conducive to cost savings and studio development? Today, we come to this for some relevant discussion. Saints (IT writer, engaged in online games virtual Economic Research): We normally play gold is bought or No. No. practicing? [item4u] PK: WOW as an example for us to look about it after the cost of opening WLK improved. Wind and rain (online trading companies in Europe and America): Titles, and when accounts are buying to ensure the safety of the premise, buy or its cost-effective; when the market price is low when shipped on into its more than its own low-cost training that is also more confidence, after all, is No. out of their own practice. Saints: Now into its own training a number of money? [item4u] PK: Chong is now a new No. 3 CDK the right, if in the red on a bi-monthly Calgary 3 CDK, the United States and served should be 700 respectively. Buy and practicing the difference between the prices of its major in labor costs and time, the other should not be a great difference. storms: But the cost is not all the same, depends on the studio's technical, cost, management, treatment and other expenses. Imagination Studio (virtual studio operating transactions): General should be practiced more than their own, are not allowed to buy its studio at ease is a big problem. Saints: Issue of land sales and now there are many great this risk is real. [item4u] PK: Well, in the current new information films circumstances, to buy and train its point which is more cost-effective? I can now sell the No. 80 into 70 + and the price gap between a lot, and now into No. 80 are generally about 3,000 more than in 4000, but will be 70 + in much lower. Big tail de Wolf (Virtual trading industry): Account practicing cost-effective or cost-effective to buy major titles is to look at the situation, the beginning of this year when the G is about a 3 hair, this time to buy is its cost-effective, the current trend of training some of its cost-effective. Saints: Anti-seal technology for hard enough, I can still buy into its, no matter how is closed, but also into its multi-hit days. Big tail de Wolf: Into its cost is too high, generally bear the studio can not say too much into its type, black number, mailbox number, the number of domestic peer training, hot and cold data and abroad, etc. No.. No. Black, the general is the account number, password theft is to the number; No. mail, only mail without password protection; No. cold information is not released for a long time before landing a foreigner, the No. swindled; No. abroad, a variety of channels in the number of foreign purchases. Transaction is the most frequent No. black and cold, black, mailbox number, information on its costs are very low. Saints: However, I feel as if its quality should be better abroad, right? Is it expensive price? Big tail de Wolf: I was buying the No. abroad, so to speak is the quality varies from person to person, and some people will not do a few days of anti-sealing closure and some powerful anti-closure is not closed for several months, prices of certain foreign No. expensive. [item4u] PK: I have contacted some power leveling studios, they account power leveling when abroad is often a temporary title, it should be closed and anti-landing for the relationship between the IP right. Big tail de Wolf: 3 days or 1 day? IP in the title which is the decisive factor in one of the largest, a 24-hour closure is temporary IP frequent replacement caused by heavy snow that your number has been stolen. Jinxin studio (studio operators virtual transactions): There can be only the first 72 hours of the opportunity, I temporarily closed 72 of power leveling , and my friend let me 24 hours of non-training, the results of suspense, and I also used his own agent, he has been its use of these agents, also used in foreign countries in China also thought it useful to my hands, three days of suspense, agent that are not used. [item4u] PK: In fact, from a cost point of view alone, then bought and practice is the more or less the same problems in the latter risk is probably the problem, then for the new studio is still better practice No. No. buy them better? Big tail de Wolf: Capital, technology, well versed in anti-closure, I would like to buy No. quick; no capital, no technology, do not know how to control titles, on their own practice slowly, slowly groping you. Doha (virtual trading industry): The key is to look at how the production, black No. used cheap small studio directly pegged to put up 10 percent loss a day. Love you do not regret it (virtual transactions studio owners): I have to do is hanbok DNF, is also using its huge volume, but also its black and white No. data No. No. Trojan, Korean friends to apply for a resolution of these species, and I think its a good practice, mainly low cost. DNF will have my house specialized machines are 4 No. training, they practiced at the same time its money to fight, they will come out of wages, it is white when the machine did not come up with four profit, but its follow on or appropriate. [item4u] PK: WOW now appears that there is also a lot of people is that, while playing gold, while power leveling for others, it can be considered a wide range of business. BB (sneak) (operators in Europe and America Game Studios): There is no good or not, only whether or not for you, if it did well on all the same things to different people dry and the result may be diametrically opposed. Big tail de Wolf: 80 to the cost-effective to buy No. point, trained to the costs of the 80? K money around 700 + studio cost + labor cost + implicit cost of not trained to 80 titles, 80 of the cost abroad to its 2500-4000 appearance, but can be directly taken to fight money, even on 12 hours a day, and now output is around 5000G. Anke / MC (virtual trading industry): Is 2:00: 1. Practice to see its price, its cost-effective prices bad practice; prices, and requires shippers to buy its good points; 2. Practicing its title to see the extent, if the closure of many things, the title did not buy No. studio technology, and also to go fast, but also its practice to spend so much time and cost. If the closure is not a lot, it should be their own training, their grasp. Saints: It seems yesterday and we chatted on the world economy is also a reason why China manufacturing robust? Or to look at their own situation, to find a suitable route development. [item4u] PK: The cost difference is small, the most important or the risks and profits, now find someone to practice the No. 80 months, they have about 1700 yuan, in addition CDK almost nothing. Big tail de Wolf: Unless a large quantity of training or no one, for fear of titles. Ping (virtual transactions studio operator): Yesterday alone, I talked about the 1-80 sites and a large number of single, I dared not then require a 24-hour online, it is not damn you, it is estimated that less than 60 are living was a snap. [item4u] PK: Training to foreigners if there are likely to help you get back, if for domestic training, estimated to have nothing . Editor's summary: No. It seems to practice and to buy its most critical for us to look at the actual situation of their own, in the current market is not very understanding, and it does not necessarily anti-sealing technology, the blind will only bring us to choose to suffer unnecessary losses, hope that this discussion can practice is facing its problems with its studio to buy friends and awaken some help.

age of conan power leveling 40 to 70 lvl

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young guys power leveling

Today, online games have been many of those who love the Internet to receive and obsessed. At the same time, a new career - "power leveling network" also came into being. Early morning on the 19th, reporters in Anshan Tiexi Station Square to see the open licensing engaged "power leveling of Warcraft," the posters, power leveling recruits is a male secondary school students. Stations in the West Square billboard poster of this fragmentary advertising, the effect that: engage power leveling Warcraft, prices further discussion. After various reporters that are employed by the power leveling of Warcraft is a boy, the junior high school, Mr.Wei. Prior to that, he has reached 59, would like to ask a power leveling , one day break 60, to pay 50 yuan of money. Sato at a press conference on this small poster, a woman cleaning the side down Jie said, "how then paste it? Also sticky so strong." The cleaners said: "The past two months, such posters appeared in the vicinity of the total station license or utility poles, and pasted this poster are the boys. " What is "power leveling of Warcraft?" A reporter specialized consulting cafe owner, Mr. Qu. He said, "power leveling of Warcraft," the "Warcraft" is called a "World of Warcraft" online games, is the fire in recent months in particular games. Since some players are not high technology or no time to play, but want to in many years was outstanding players, they just spend money to hire experts to help them upgrade to play games, the players called "power leveling." In addition to the game, the other a variety of online games power leveling a lot of people, such as "Westward Journey" "Legend" and others have power leveling, some people specifically as a career. Generally in accordance with the number of days power leveling level calculation of the cost, as long as the client add money to your account power leveling it. Of course, many power leveling is false, they are helping people power leveling online information, upon receipt of a client's money does not help. This reporter has learned that she is now like this game is to recruit a few power leveling people, mostly students, many students and as a result of heavy academic burden on parents keeping or playing computer games, it helped get people to play. Reporters to online game "World of Warcraft," for example, in different age groups and populations investigated. Being investigated in 20 high school students know that "World of Warcraft" It's a game 75%, have been or are being involved in accounting for 8 percent of the people. In addition, the survey of 20 had experienced adults online, the "World of Warcraft," the awareness of 80%, have been or are being involved accounted for 10%. The game known in all the people all know the basic "power leveling" existence.

China Game Studios occupy 80 percent of global market power leveling

Introduction: Analysis of the foreign media published articles that with the rise of online games, online games industry in the developing countries to make money, especially in China are booming, China's total global market size of 80%. The following is a summary of the contents: University of Manchester, a study shows that in developing countries, about 50 million people through the network of virtual items to sell players to make money, this known as the "network to make money," the industry is developing rapidly. The Chinese market accounted for 80 percent of the industry employed about 400,000 full-time players, the average monthly income of 145 U.S. dollars. Although the game company to vigorously crack down on virtual goods transactions, but the industry is still ascendant. Large emerging industries The study report written by University of Manchester, UK, Professor Richard? Ada (Richard Heeks) that, in many developing countries to make money online games has become an important economic industry. He wrote, "I am aware of the first network can make money from my own game started, but I was of the view that it is a cottage-style economic model. In a certain sense, this species judged to be correct. But now it is no longer a sporadic few months' family workshops', but to the hundreds of thousands. " The reality is that many online games virtual currency is very scarce, so many amateur players, including full-time players, including from the seller to purchase virtual currency, in exchange for better equipment and weapons. In addition, some full-time players also provide "on behalf of the upgrade to play" service, that is paid to the rapid escalation for amateur players. Ada believes that to make money online games industry scale is also difficult to obtain specific data. However, he hinted in the text, in 2008, the industry employed about 40 million people, per capita income of 145 U.S. dollars, the global market size of about 500 million U.S. dollars. However, Ada also pointed out that as a result it is difficult to assess the scale of the industry, so its size may be doubled its estimate.   

Because if there are players involved in the above-mentioned activities was found, then his game account may be closed, and the prohibition of play it online. Ada in the report pointed out that the size of the industry to make money online with India's outsourcing industry comparable. In his article, said, "India's outsourcing industry in 2004 the number of employees is about 40 million people, may now be close to 90 million people, without taking into account the conditions of the profit element, the two industries employed a number of aspects of some fight. ". At the same time, in his view, as people on the network work and leisure time has become longer and longer, one known as "virtual offshore services" (virtual offshoring) model will become more and more popular, while the network is to make money service mode of a prototype. Network to make money: cash tool Steven? Davis (Steven Davis) is a network security firm Secure Play, chief executive officer, in his view to make money online is accompanied by the creation of online games started, and as the network's popular and growing rapidly. He also pointed out that the virtual network transactions had indeed solved the actual demand. He said, "wealthy people did not have time to play, have time to play the people do not have the money, so the two must find a solution." In the Web world, the virtual currency and items trading mainly through hundreds of network marketing and Shop achievable. Web site the size of money ranging from a small number of sites employing fewer staff, and many sites are employing hundreds of staff. Davis believes that the income difference between full-time players have appeared, for example, in Vietnam, low-income audience for Chinese players to play on behalf of the Chinese players for playing on behalf of the Western players. Davis also pointed out that to make money online games industry as a result of huge profits, criminal gangs have also set foot in one. They used stolen credit card account for the game, under the banner of the sale of virtual currency or goods under the pretext of defrauding money from the players there. In addition, they are still all kinds of chat rooms big irrigation, making money online ads. Davis believes that is still hard to find and prosecute these criminal gangs. Finally, Davis added that the network companies have tried to limit the virtual currencies, power leveling and items trading volume, but it was reported that little substantive effect.